The Circling®  Approach

Weekend Intensives
(SF Bay Area OR Online)


Immersion (Getting into Relationship)

The Sovereign
(Your Presence)

The Explorer (Getting Someone’s World)

Touch, Affection
& Attunement (A Original Circling® Approach
Healing Immersion)


These consciousness-shifting
events are for you if you want to…

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We all have big dreams for our lives

We all want to live and love well, to fulfill our unique sense of purpose,
and to somehow make the world a better place.

At the heart of this is the desire to feel deeply connected — both to
other people and to a sense of richness and meaning in everyday life…

…while at the same time, to go the road less traveled — to take risks, step
over the edge of our own comfort zone, and carve our own path in life.


So where are you on your path?

Ask yourself these questions:

For most people, there are times where you feel you’ve “got it”… you’re connected to your inner wisdom and life keeps getting better…

But other times you can’t help but feel like there is so much more to go, and problems that you thought you’d have taken care of long ago are still showing up in your life.

Maybe you don’t have the relationship you desire… or you are in a romantic relationship
but it feels lonely, unfulfilling, or full of conflict.

Maybe your financial situation isn’t where you want it to be and inner blocks are preventing you from having abundance in your life.

Maybe your health and your outer appearance are not reflecting your true inner beauty.

Or maybe there isn’t a problem, but you just aren’t satisfied with a good enough life and KNOW that more is possible for you.


Profound Intimacy &

Radical Authenticity is Possible…

…But not from achieving more, reframing your mindset, or “fixing” yourself.

The key is that everything rests on Awareness.

All our blocks in life… limiting beliefs, past programming, misunderstandings in relationships, or subconscious ways of holding back and sabotaging ourselves… only have power over us when we don’t see them.

Once we see our blocks… they start to disappear.


Being Deeply Seen

Until we are DEEPLY SEEN by others,
we can never completely see ourselves.

When we don’t have authentic connections and don’t feel truly seen, it can be very isolating and painful.

And when we don’t get authentic reflections from the people around us, we have no idea how we’re showing up, or the effect we’re having on others.

When you understand the impact you’re really having on people, you start to see yourself more clearly. And when you feel deeply seen for both your unique gifts and beauty — AND the shadow parts you usually keep hidden — you start to let go of appearances and effortlessly become comfortable in your own skin.

You become more authentic. And you start to wake up to who you really are.

Being Authentically Yourself

Relating from a place of Radical Authenticity Can
Open Up a Whole World of Possibilities

It’s easy to walk through the world playing a
role… and trying to project an image of success, confidence, and happiness. But when you’re trying to “look good” instead of being true to yourself, nothing feels right.

You end up secretly scared that someone will see through you and discover the “truth” – that deep down, you’re not lovable or desirable.

But when you break through to a deeper layer of who you REALLY are, everything becomes easier.

You start to speak your truth without fear of what other people will think. You make choices that feel right to you, instead of being held back by fear or image. You begin to feel comfortable in your own skin — connections and relationships come naturally. You feel relaxed and at home in yourself in the way you’ve always longed for.


The Circling® Weekend Intensives
are Designed to Unleash Your Authentic Self

The Original Circling® Approach is a powerful new practice and way of relating that is growing all over the world. By connecting in the present moment – beyond stories, expectations, and predetermined ideas about who you are – the Original Circling® Approach has the capacity to unlock your authentic self and set a new precedent for the level of connection that’s possible in your life.

When you have the experience of being masterfully Circled™, you begin to see what’s really happening for you on the deepest levels. Old patterns melt away, connections become infinitely richer, and personal growth becomes effortless. (New to Circling®? Read “What is the Original Circling® Approach?” to find out more.)

Now, through the Circling® Immersion, you have the opportunity to experience this unique practice with Circling® masters.

Ready to Dive In?

Throughout each of the weekends, you will have the opportunity to interact and grow as a group, but will also benefit from plenty of amazing individual transformational work.

Each day you will be deepening your awareness, mastering your communication
skills, and diving into authentic relating
through Circling®.

Guided by our team of expert facilitators,
this mindfully selected group will share an
epic experience that may change the course
of your life.


Your Life After Your Circling®
Experience May Be Unrecognizable

The results of a Circling® Intensive weekend can be far-reaching
and can impact you for years after the workshop.

You are


Sometimes it’s the little things that change. You may find that people are strangely nicer to you… they say “hello” to you on the street or let you ahead of them in line, just because it feels good to them. You get asked out on more dates and hear yes more than ever before.

Or you may find it’s the big things that change… friends and family start seeing you for who you really are… and accept you more than ever before. You feel free to be yourself and really let them in, and your connections become incredibly rewarding.

You can


Things that used to rattle you or upset you are now no big deal. What used to be hurtful or offensive feels unimportant… or even kind of funny.

You are more yourself

You start to have amazing conversations where people spontaneously open up to you. Maybe they cry tears of relief or start to glow with newfound self-love. You make a difference in their lives, just by being yourself.

No matter what happens, this Intensive and the experience of being Circled will change your life.


See How Others Have Been Transformed by
The Circling® Institute

Circling® is a deeply moving, life-transforming experience.

A new doorway to living authentically.

Ron Bynum


What a truly life-altering experience!

After 20+ years of doing transformational work I got to fully relax into myself. My life hasn’t been the same since and I am forever grateful.

Dr. Karen Josephs

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Invest in Your Life And Register Now.

These workshops fill quickly, so the best thing you can do is register early so you are guaranteed a spot in a Circling® Intensive near you. This is such a beautiful, life-changing experience, that we want to make it available to as many people as possible.

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The time will come when, with elation you will greet yourself arriving at your own door, in your own mirror and each will smile at the other’s welcome, and say, sit here. Eat. You will love again the stranger who was your self. Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart to itself, to the stranger who has loved you all your life, whom you ignored for another, who knows you by heart. Take down the love letters from the bookshelf, the photographs, the desperate notes, peel your own image from the mirror. Sit. Feast on your life.

~Derek Walcott


Immersion Weekend:

Getting into Relationship


Touch, Affection & Attunement Weekend

A Original Circling® Approach Healing Immersion

All the goodies from our typical Immersion with a focus on this special topic.

(Will be scheduled once we are doing in-person weekends again)

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Please NOTE:

If you have extensive active trauma around touch or extreme fear or boundary issues around the topic of touch, this is probably not the ideal workshop to start with. Check out our Sovereign weekend. Although, touch will be in safe container, it will be encouraged.

Also, this will not be a place for any sexual touch
or to seek dating partners.


Sovereign Weekend:

Your Presence

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Explorer Weekend:

Getting Someone’s World

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Any of the four weekends above

may be taken in any order without any pre-requisites.

Each will provide you with a distinct set of skills immediately
applicable to your life and relationships.

The Sovereign & Explorer weekends serve as prerequisites to continue with our Practitioner Training.

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Time Commitments:

Both Saturday and Sunday begin at 10 am, and
we ask that you arrive by 9:45 am to get settled in.

Cost per weekend is


($495 for early birds)

(Early bird discount applies if you sign up
2 weeks before the event start date)

Questions? Email [email protected] for more information.