The secret to all the best
Happy Endings is…


Practice sharing appreciations and impact daily –
even with people you see regularly

This past weekend, we wrapped the 8th and
final workshop of the
Art of Circling
yearlong program.

During this 8th and final module, we explore and practice The Art of Completion (aka: the 7th Stage of the Original Circling® Method 🙂

It’s a beautiful menagerie of people sharing:

  • The impact that the course, it’s faculty, and their cohort mates have had on them
  • What they have come to appreciate about one another, the course, and the experiences they have had as a result of being part of this yearlong journey
  • What they notice still feels incomplete
  • And what this time together has left them wanting – for themselves, and others

The one thing that stands out most for me – year after year – is how many students end the Art of Completion exercise that we each take turns doing saying things like:

  • I wish I/you had said that earlier
  • I’ve never experienced so much love in just 5 minutes
  • I am going to try this with everyone I care about
  • Sharing this way has me feeling my own care and appreciation more deeply
  • Had I known that, I would have reached out to you more often

In an ideal world, we’d love to be able to spend an entire year practicing the 7 Stages of Circling with each of you… And helping you implement the tools, skills, and paradigm shift that this unique way of viewing, interacting with, and being in the world has had on countless graduates over the years in your own lives.

Until that dream becomes possible…
I’d like to share some suggestions for how you, too, can use some of the principles from the Art of Completion to deepen your connections with the people in your world.

Make a practice of closing every encounter by naming some way this exchange has impacted you. Perhaps even share appreciation for a value or characteristic this person demonstrated.

Thinking of someone? Let them know! Never pass up a chance to tell someone they came to mind… and share whatever memory or desired future plan came with them.

Lead with courageous vulnerability… These small
shifts may feel unusual or uncomfortable at first, but the more you do them, the easier they become. And – bonus – you may even inspire the people in your life to do the same for you!

Real Talk: I’ve lost more than my share of significant relationships.

People who died WAY before their time… Friendships that didn’t survive a cross-country move… A parent succumbing to dementia

These losses have taught me countless lessons, but the one common lesson all of them have shown me, time and again, is:

We are never promised tomorrow,
so leave nothing unsaid.

I hope this email inspires you to practice lovingly completing every exchange – even when you are eagerly looking forward to the next one!

Sending BIG Love from our family to yours,