Have you ever been floored by how powerful – even life changing – a simple new tool or strategy can be?

I received the best text message from a client about just this phenomena today, and it inspired me to reach out & share it with all of you…

A little back story for you: A blended family I work with has been struggling to communicate (especially around co-parenting their 10 year old twins) during summer break. A few weeks ago I offered them a simple acronym: W.A.I.T (Why AI Talking) to play with, in hopes it could help them minimize frustration when communicating.

The key idea is to take a moment to get really clear on – and explicitly state – the positive intention for an exchange BEFORE you start talking.

  • I’d like your opinion on something
  • I just need to vent here
  • I’d like us to brainstorm ways to nip his back talking in the bud
  • I want to find a resolution to a conflict I have with September’s schedule

It’s amazing how these little pieces of added context can help orient a person’s listening, and responding, and ward off any stray defensiveness or misinterpretation!

The Circling Institute is passionate about helping people have connected, compassionate, conversations and authentic, extraordinary, relationships from the boardroom to the bedroom – and everywhere in between!

If this tiny glimpse at one of our tools has piqued your interest, join us for one of our upcoming workshops to learn and practice
even greater tools for extraordinary connection within yourself, and with the people important to you!


Art of Circling Practitioner Training